The Best Advice To New Parents

The Best Advice to New Parents

Any new parent knows that the first few weeks are overwhelming and exhausting. Keep in mind every parent and every child are different, and this is a new chapter in your life.

The best advice to a new parent is to take care of your own wellbeing, especially first-time mums. You cannot provide your baby with the best care if you don’t care for yourself too. Take time for yourself and prioritise self-care amidst sleep deprivation and mental health challenges that may arise during the first few weeks of parenthood.

Embracing a new baby in your life means adjusting to the responsibilities and joys that come with first-time parenting. While you may have preconceived notions about parenting, your situation will always be unique so it’s important to give yourself some grace. By taking proper care of yourself and relying on support when needed you are putting yourself in the best position for your parenthood journey.

This is a time to enjoy the moments and delight, and cherish the first few months with your child.

A Few Common Challenges Faced by Most New Parents

Being a new parent comes with its fair share of challenges. Two of the most significant challenges are adjusting to the new routine and dealing with sleep deprivation.

Unfortunately, lack of sleep will affect your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. This is why it is important to prioritise rest and seek help from your support system during this trying time.

Good advice for new parents is to quickly learn how to balance their personal life with the responsibilities of being a parent. Keep in mind it’s normal to feel guilty about taking time for yourself, but self-care is crucial for your overall well-being.

So, make sure to carve out some time each day to do something you enjoy, whether it’s reading a book, taking a walk, or practising a hobby. Remember, taking care of yourself is really important. 

Additionally, adjusting to the demands of a newborn will place strain on your relationship with your partner. Lack of sleep, increased responsibilities, and a shift in priorities easily lead to conflicts and misunderstandings. Thus, it is important to communicate openly, express your needs, and work together as a team.

Regular date nights with your partner or quality time together can help strengthen your bond and maintain a healthy relationship.

Lastly, as a new parent, you may receive unsolicited advice from well-meaning family members and friends. It’s important to trust your instincts and do what feels right for you and your baby.

Remember that every child is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Politely thank others for their advice and trust your intuition.

With that said, let’s look at what you can expect as a first-time parent, in more detail.

What to Expect as First-Time Parents

For first-time parents, it will feel like completely unfamiliar territory. Everything is new and different, and the whole experience is utterly life-changing. However, keep in mind it is all a learning process, and making mistakes is part of parenthood.

Thus, advice to new parents is never to be too hard on yourself. Embrace the journey with an open heart and open mind.

One of the main and most challenging factors of having a newborn baby is of course the lack of sleep. Because newborns have such irregular sleep patterns, and short sleep patterns in the beginning, it will take its toll on your sleep routine.

It is vital to establish a good bedtime routine and a calm, healthy sleeping environment for your baby from the beginning. Dimming lights, playing soothing music and ensuring a comfortable room temperature all create a better sleeping environment for the baby.

Secondly, newborns are in constant need of attention and care. They rely on you for everything from feeding, changing and burping, to soothing and comforting. Bonding with your baby and ensuring enough skin contact such as cuddling is vital for their comfort. In turn, it helps to strengthen a good parent-to-child relationship and promotes their development.

Thirdly, having a new baby is emotionally draining, and will cause a range of different emotions. However, do not be discouraged. Whatever you are feeling is perfectly normal, and all these feelings will settle soon enough.

This is also why it is so important to seek understanding and support from your partner and a support system. Family and friends are an excellent source of support, as well as caregivers like nannies. Similarly, there are also plenty of local or online support classes or groups that are of great help.

How to Prepare Yourself for Your New Arrival

Finding out you are pregnant can be both exciting and scary. You may not know where to begin to prepare yourself for the new baby. However, keep in mind that you have a lot of time to prepare, so take things slowly, and always remember it is a learning process where you will adapt as you go along.

The Best Advice to New Parents

A few important things to start implementing in the beginning are:

  1. Make sure that you have a trusted gynaecologist and obstetrician that you are comfortable with to carry you throughout the entire journey of the pregnancy and birthing process.
  2. It is important to ensure that you have a good medical aid and hospital plan for yourself and your child. 
  3. Book all your necessary doctor visits in advance and place the dates in a well-set-out calendar.
  4. Additionally, you can keep a diary of your progress which you can share with your medical team. 
  5. Ensure that you plan financially for your growing family and consider a savings plan for your child’s future. 
  6. Parenting and baby care books along with trusted scientific research will go a long way to prepare and give tips to help you care for your baby and yourself. 
  7. A healthy diet is important, and be sure to listen to your body. 

Preparing Emotionally to Become First Time Parents

Becoming a parent is life changing. It comes with a range of feelings, from excitement and happiness, through to anxiousness and worry. Thus, it is vital to prepare yourself emotionally for this role. Get support from your partner or family, talk to them, and talk to your doctor about any questions that you have.

Try to connect with other parents and ask them about their experiences and feelings. It is important to remember you are not alone on this journey. Forming a strong emotional foundation will help you to navigate through all the ups and downs of pregnancy and parenting.

What You Will Need for Your Hospital Visit

Here are some items you should consider for your hospital visit:

  • Familiarise yourself with the hospital’s procedures and policies. Usually, the hospital will provide you with a list of what to bring for yourself and your baby.
  • Pack all necessary documents such as your ID, medical insurance information and your birth plan.
  • Pack two sets of comfortable clothing and pyjamas to wear in the hospital for yourself, and clothing for when you need to leave the hospital. Also, include comfortable shoes and slippers. Make sure to pack enough comfortable underwear and maternity bras for breastfeeding. Easily accessible pyjamas with a button or zip closure are ideal.
  • Pack two sets of clothing for a baby for every day, clothing must be seasonal for the specific weather conditions. 
  • Pack two to three swaddle blankets and one warm blanket for your baby.
  • Pack a towel for yourself and two hooded towels for the baby. Also, include a face cloth for yourself and your baby and enough additional burp cloths.
  • Make sure you have enough nappies and plenty of baby wipes. 
  • Pack a baby bottle, soother and formula just in case, even if you are planning to breastfeed. In a few cases, mothers are unable to, or struggle to breastfeed at first.
  • Pack yourself some healthy snacks, a good water bottle and enough fluids such as juices or teas. 
  • Ensure that you pack enough maternity pads and intimate care items for yourself.
  • Pack your own toiletries with all your personal items that you may need.
  • Lastly, make sure you have reliable transport and a secure baby seat in your vehicle to return home from the hospital.

Creating a Baby Registry

A baby registry can be quite useful for well-meaning friends and family who want to buy you gifts. 

You can research a few baby items that will suit your parenting style and lifestyle and create a list. Or you can use a local baby store and create a registry from which friends and family are able to purchase gifts of their choice. 

Similarly, many stores offer some freebies or discounts when you use their registry. This helps to ensure that you get the items that you need and that there are no doubles.

Here is some advice to new parents on what to add to the registry:

  • Nappies – Include different sizes and not just newborn nappies.
  • Clothing – Newborn and different sizes. Also, take seasons into account.
  • Items for the nursery – there are lots of things babies will need for their room and around the house, like change tables, comfortable furniture and storage. 
  • Toys and Other Items – include a few age-appropriate toys and other items you may require for the baby.

Keep in mind that creating a baby registry is not just about the material items, but also about building a support network for others that are excited to welcome your little one into the world.

Setting Up the Nursery

One of the fun parts of becoming a new parent is of course setting up the nursery. Creating a space that is functional and comforting for both yourself and your child is vital. 

The Best Advice to New Parents

Start by preparing the space with your functional items:

  • You will need a changing station with shelving and a space to change your baby. A soft cushion or changing mat with a waterproof cover is ideal.
  • Make sure that you have easily accessible shelves or drawers at your changing station to place nannies, wipes, burp cloths, toiletries and other essentials.
  • A chest of drawers is usually the best option to keep baby clothes that are easily accessible to the changing station for dressing the baby.
  • Some parents keep a baby bath inside the nursery for easy access, and some parents bathe their baby in the bathroom.
  • You will need a comfortable crib or cot for the baby to sleep with a health standard mattress and blanket. Never overcrowd your baby’s sleeping area with pillows or toys as they cause suffocation hazards.
  • You can add a soothing dim lamp and some soothing noises to help the baby sleep.
  • A night lamp for breastfeeding is also ideal.
  • Make sure you have a comfortable chair or bed for breastfeeding your baby in the nursery.

The nursery is a space where you and your baby will be spending a lot of your time. Thus, make sure that it is comfortable and well-organised for your needs. Once again, you will find yourself having to change it up a bit after the baby comes as you realise your baby’s unique requirements.

Preparing Financially to Become New Parents

Planning financially for a baby and child in advance is the best advice for new parents to avoid unexpected surprises along the way.

  • Consider checking your budget and where you can cut some costs to set up a savings account for baby expenses.
  • It is advisable to start a savings plan or policy as soon as possible to plan for your child’s education and additional expenses as they get older. Speaking to a trusted financial advisor will help with this.
  • Try to do some research or speak to other parents about the average costs of pregnancy and childcare. Understanding the cost will help you create a more realistic financial plan.
  • Consider costs such as daycare, nannies, or after-school care if you need to go back to work after maternity leave.
  • Review your health policy if you have one, otherwise, the medical costs involved for birthing. Check what is covered for maternity and paediatric care.
  • Consider immunisations and associated medical costs.
  • It is also important to draft a will and designate a guardian for your child, even though it is a difficult topic to discuss. Consult with a lawyer to ensure your wishes are legally documented. 

Should You Attend Parenting Classes?

Parenting classes and birthing classes are beneficial to help you prepare for your new baby and birth. They offer a wide range of topics such as childbirth, newborn care, breastfeeding and postpartum support.

You will attain valuable knowledge and skills by attending these classes. You will also learn some tips and tricks to navigate through the challenges of parenthood.

There are many hospitals and community centres that offer parenting classes. Similarly, there is also much information online, as well as online classes that you can attend.

The more knowledge and support you have the better equipped you will be to care for your baby and yourself.

The Importance of a Good Support System

As mentioned, it is vital to have a good support system throughout your pregnancy and when caring for a new child. Having a network of family, friends and even professionals offer you guidance, assistance and much-needed emotional support through this trying time is beneficial.

The Best Advice to New Parents

Thus, reach out to family, friends, and even online communities, and discuss your needs, expectations, and anxieties with them. Even if they are just there to listen, it still helps a great deal.

Preparing Yourself Emotionally and Physically for Birth

Take care of yourself during pregnancy so that you are physically and emotionally healthy and calm for birthing and your first baby. Try to follow a healthy diet, stay active, and get as much rest as you can before the birth. It will help you feel more prepared and confident when the baby comes.

Take care of your emotional health as pregnancy is an emotional roller-coaster. Rely on your support system, or even seek professional help if needed.

How to Cope with the First Few Weeks as a New Parent

You will find that the first few weeks as a parent are overwhelming. It is important that you and your partner are aligned to navigate this period. Additionally, keep in mind that while the first few months will be tough, they can also go by quite quickly, so try to enjoy the newborn stage as much as you can.

  • Do not hesitate to ask your partner, family member or friends for help. Family members will be more than willing to assist with chores, or even watch your baby for a while when you need a break, or when you are too busy.
  • Establish a clear but flexible daily routine including bedtime, feeding time and playtime with your baby from the start. Having a predictable schedule provides more structure and allows you to manage things easily.
The Best Advice to New Parents
  • Always prioritise self-care. It’s harder to care for another human being the more physically or emotionally drained you are. Take time to eat nutritious meals, stay hydrated, relax, and engage in activities you enjoy.
  • Be patient and kind to yourself and celebrate every small victory. Never be hard on yourself when things do not go according to plan.

These are just a few strategies that will ensure your first few weeks as a new parent are less overwhelming and more enjoyable.

What to Expect during the First Few Months as a New Parent

During the first few months, your baby goes through various developmental stages. In the first two months, babies wake up frequently during the night and are in constant need of care and attention. This time is usually when parents feel most exhausted and overwhelmed.

Though not all babies are the same, they usually adopt a more established sleeping routine as they get older. 

Babies go through rapid growth spurts during the first few months, which means you will need to keep changing their clothing. 

Soon enough your baby will start to recognise your voice and face. They will start to smile and communicate through coos and babbling. It is vital to engage with your baby through talking, singing and gentle touch. By responding to their needs and creating a calming comfortable environment your baby will feel nurtured and secure.

As your baby grows it is important to give yourself grace through the transitions and trust your instincts. 

The Journey of Developmental Milestones from Birth to Toddler Stage

The journey of a child from birth to toddler involves many changes and milestones.

The Best Advice to New Parents

Understanding Newborn Development

Newborns generally go through rapid physical, cognitive and emotional changes adjusting to their new life outside of the womb.

Newborns develop motor and sensory abilities gradually, gaining more control over their movements. They start by waving their arms and kicking their feet to eventually grasp objects and bring their hands to their mouths. Similarly, they become more responsive to sounds and will turn their heads to familiar voices. They are often also startled by loud and abnormal sounds.

Babies become more sensitive to touch and often enjoy cuddles. From a cognitive point of view, they become more aware of and interested in the world around them. They start to recognise familiar faces and voices. Though their understanding remains limited at this stage, it is already laying the foundation for their future cognitive development.

Newborns will slowly form attachments to their parents and caregivers such as nannies. Observe how they express their feelings through facial expressions or vocalisations. Newborns seek constant comfort and security from their parents and caregivers.

Physical Milestones

Physical milestones involve the acquisition of motor skills and the development of coordination and strength. These milestones provide a foundation for future physical abilities and overall well-being.

A few key physical milestones include: gaining head control, learning to roll over, sitting up without support, crawling, pulling themselves up to stand, and eventually walking independently. Every milestone is required to build upon the next one and allows babies to interact and explore their new environment.

Physical milestones such as reaching for and grasping objects and exploring with their hands lead to more advanced motor skills. All these skills require hand and eye coordination, strength and dexterity that develops with time.

Keep in mind every baby develops at their own pace and the range of what is normal is quite vast. By providing a safe and stimulating environment you easily support their development, movement and exploration.

Cognitive Milestones

Cognitive skills such as perception, memory, problem-solving, and language development are important milestones in a baby’s development. They lay a firm foundation for future learning and intellectual growth.

A few key cognitive milestones in newborns include: becoming more alert and responsive to their environment, recognising familiar faces and objects, tracking moving objects with their eyes, and making eye contact. Newborns often also start to learn cause-and-effect relationships, such as realising that their actions can produce a sound or a reaction.

Language developments start early where newborns make a wide range of sounds and experiment with different vocalisations. They also become more responsive to familiar voices and may turn their heads towards the source of sound.

Talking and singing to newborns, providing age-appropriate toys and activities, and engaging in simple games and routines help support their cognitive growth. Additionally, responding to their cues and providing opportunities for exploration and problem-solving further enhances their cognitive development.

Social and Emotional Milestones

Social and emotional skills such as forming attachments, expressing and recognising emotions and developing empathy form a part of their emotional milestones. Babies show basic emotional cues such as happiness or distress, through facial expressions and vocalisations.

They develop the ability to recognise and respond to the emotions of others. They do this by imitating facial expressions and gestures to show empathy and understanding. Social interaction and simple games provide excellent social and emotional support for the development of your baby.

Communication Milestones

Communication skills such as making sounds, recognising voices, and back-and-forth interactions are some of the key milestones. Newborns may start to show certain interactions such as imitating sounds and gestures. They may respond to their own name and engage in vocal turn-taking with their parents or caregivers.

Responsive and interactive environments and activities are essential for communication development in babies.

Milestones from Birth to Toddler

There are certain age-specific milestones babies go through, but always remember that every baby develops at their own pace.

The First Three Months

During the first three months, babies go through rapid physical growth and a few important milestones. During the first three months of life, newborns go through several important milestones.  By the end of the first month, babies are usually able to lift their heads when lying on their stomachs. At around three months they hold their heads up for longer.

They start to develop the ability to make eye contact and focus on objects, tracking moving objects with their eyes. Furthermore, they have more control over movements and will start to wave and kick their legs. Sensory abilities develop and they start to recognise voices and noises. 

Three to Six Months

Between three to six months babies develop hand-eye coordination and start to reach for and grasp objects, they have more control over their neck and head and will start to sit upright with support. Language becomes more developed and evident with a wider range of sounds and vocals. From a cognitive point of view, there are stronger attachments and more emotional responses. Responses such as smiling and laughing show emotions

Six to Nine Months

Between six and nine months are usually the ages when babies start to eat solids and can sit upright without support. They are able to roll from their back to their stomach and may eventually start to crawl. Coordination becomes stronger developing their reaching and grasping skills. Their language becomes more developed and extensive with clearer vocals and the ability to recognise their names and engage in simple back-and-forth communication.

Their interaction and exploration of their environment becomes more extensive and they start to understand simple object permanence. Their bonds with family and caregivers become stronger and emotions more evident.

Nine to 12 Months

Between 9 and 12 months most babies develop independent mobility. They crawl strongly, lift themselves up against objects and start to walk. They may also start saying their first words and their babbling becomes more purposeful.

Problem-solving skills start to develop when babies can play with different objects. Their memory and attention span will also improve. Social and emotional skills become stronger. Often babies this age show separation anxiety from caregivers or parents and find comfort in familiar faces.

Toddler Stages

Dealing with toddlers is a whole new ball game. Toddlers are usually able to walk strongly from around two years. They learn to talk, assert their own preferences and opinions, and become more independent in exploring. Similarly, toddlers can feed themselves and drink from a cup or sippy cup.

It is essential to understand that toddlers need good boundaries and consistent discipline to help them understand what is expected of them.

It is vital to encourage and guide their independence, while still ensuring their safety. You may need to change around a few things in your home that could be a potential hazard, to ensure that they still have enough freedom to explore.

Communication is crucial with toddlers. Even though they may not be fully able to talk, they still have quite a bit to say.

Keep in mind though your toddler may seem quite independent they still need plenty of guidance and understanding. They are still learning and developing, and have a long way to go.

Make Every Milestone a Memorable Moment

Discovering all these milestones as new parents is exciting and exhilarating, though not less challenging. These milestones come and go quickly, so make sure you make them memorable, as they only come around once.

Take plenty of pictures, and maybe keep a diary with all your child’s milestones, and developments. These small sentiments will bring much joy to yourself, your family, and even your children as they get older in the years to come. As new parents, it’s important to celebrate the milestones and achievements of your children (and yourselves!). 

By celebrating milestones, you not only create lasting memories but also acknowledge the progress, achievements and new life of your child. Each milestone is a stepping stone towards their future.

The Best Advice to New Parents

As new parents, you will surely receive plenty of tips and advice from well-meaning individuals. However not all life situations are the same, and every child is different, so always keep a balanced perspective and listen to your intuition.

The Best Advice to New Parents

With much research and some good advice from many parents, here are a few guidelines that have been tried and trusted for many years:

  1. Always trust your instincts first. You know your baby best, so keep to what feels right to you as a parent.
  2. If in doubt always consult a professional such as your paediatrician.
  3. Establish healthy routines for your baby and your family that suit your schedule. Establishing good routines from the start will help a lot when things are challenging. 
  4. Take good care of yourself. You cannot pour from an empty cup. 
  5. Do not hesitate to ask for help. You will find that loved ones are more than willing to help where they can.
  6. Enjoy parenthood. It’s a short journey that will provide you with the best memories.
  7. Always be present and fully engaged with your baby or child. Avoid distractions and give your baby your full attention.
  8. Never compare yourself with other parents. Every parent’s journey will be different. 
  9. Embrace your imperfections, children are much more forgiving than you think. You are learning, and no parent is perfect.
  10. Celebrate the milestones, and celebrate every small victory no matter how insignificant.
  11. Communicate with your family, friends and partner. Good communication is key to understanding and creating a happy and harmonious home.

You are embarking on an incredible journey filled with joy and frustration, challenges and celebrations. Enjoy a journey filled with love, learning and the beautiful time of being a parent.

A Few Thoughts to Reflect Upon:

For every new parent, it is important to remember that every baby is different, and your situation is different, so do not compare your experience to others. Trust your instincts and take it one day at a time. As a first-time parent it is completely natural to feel overwhelmed and unsure, just remember you are not alone. You always have family and friends for support and advice, so reach out to them and do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

In the first few weeks make sure to prioritise your baby’s sleep routine and establish routines that work for you. Remember to take care of your own well-being. A healthy and happy parent is essential for a healthy and happy baby.

Never forget to make time for yourself and your partner, even if it is just a few hours of self-care or for a date night.

Lastly, take deep breaths and remember the sleep deprivation challenges of new parenthood are only temporary.

Do’s and don’ts for newborn babies?

A few basics to remember:

  • Wash and sanitise your hands before handling your baby, or their bottles.
  • Always support a newborn baby’s back and head.
  • Keep your baby fastened securely in their carrier, stroller or car seat.

What do newborns dislike?

Newborns are kept tight and in quiet darkness in their mother’s belly. So subsequently they must be wrapped securely with a swaddle blanket at first. They will not enjoy bright lights or loud noises in the beginning.

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