At We Need a Nanny, we connect beautiful families with incredible caregivers across Australia. We have been carefully monitoring the situation around the Coronavirus (COVID-19), and we understand that your needs as a family are changing as the days go by. Amidst the uncertainty of childcare, school and workplace arrangements, we are especially mindful of families that rely on older relatives or grandparents for their childcare. We want to reassure you that We Need a Nanny can be used by Australian families to support those you love most.
There is such a special connection between grandchildren and grandparents. In fact, about one in every four Australian kids under 12 rely on grandparents for care. The grandparent and grandchild relationship is based on pure joy and love. A wonderful aspect of having children is that your special bond also strengthens your relationship with your parents. You face many of the joys with your children that your mum and dad experienced when they were raising you. You ‘get’ each other far more deeply than you did before. As well as this, it’s likely that your mum and dad enjoy spending heaps of time with their grandkids, often offering to babysit or to look after them when you’re busy with work.
Our world is changing
As the world focuses on self-isolating as well as social distancing, we all have a responsibility to help our older citizens. There is so much that we can do to make things easier for our loved ones! There are many ways in which you and your kids can stay deeply connected with grandma and grandpa.
Although the world is changing for a while, it won’t be forever. The thought of not being able to spend the physical time you wish to with your beautiful family isn’t the best. However, there are lots of other things you can do to remain connected. Have a gentle chat with your loved ones about the current situation while reassuring them that everything will be okay. Remember to involve grandparents with planning for the family too!
What plans can you make as a family?
Although the way people interact will be changing for a while, by making plans as a family you can take control as well as feel empowered as a team. Yes, it’s perfectly natural to feel a little worried about the unknown. So, it’s best to make these things ‘known’ by controlling what you can.
If you rely on older relatives for regular care of your children then you’ll likely need to seek alternative care solutions. We Need A Nanny has seen an increase in families considering hiring a nanny. You can lighten your childcare load significantly by finding a reliable, professional and caring nanny who will take amazing care of your kids.
The physical and emotional wellbeing of grandparents is also extremely important to consider. Open up a discussion with them so you come to a mutual understanding of what is required to keep everyone safe.
If your family decides that grandparents should maintain a physical presence, the best thing to do is to ask them to be in one single room with the children, so that the area can be fully cleaned and sterilised regularly. Throughout this time, it’s crucial to maintain safe hygiene and handwashing practices. You can even make a fun game of this with the children! Who can create the soapiest lather? It’s also best to ask them to stay away from crowds as well as to limit physical contact with the children – this may be hardest of all, but it could be made a little easier if you think of it instead as ‘saving up’ all those lovely warm hugs for the future.
If it’s decided that grandparents can’t be physically present, then make sure a constant connection is worked into the normal routine. For example:
- Stay in regular contact by phone
- Consider video calling so everyone can see each other
- Have the children draw pictures, make cards and/or write letters to grandma, grandpa, nanna, poppy (which you can send as a photo in case of infection)
- Help your kids make a collage of treasured and funny photos to share with the family
- Invite the grandparents to dial-in during the day to just ‘be’ with you and the kids. We bet your children don’t need an invitation to perform to an audience! They’ll likely enjoy dancing, singing and chatting to their grandparents just like they’re actually in the room.
Why not have a chat with the whole family to think up some more fun ideas to help everyone stay in touch?
How can I care for my family?
Once you have made sure your older relatives are well cared for, it’s time to think about how to practically and emotionally maintain care for your children. It’s possible that now is the right time to consider engaging a nanny. Nannies can provide a great deal of support to a family, and they’re different to a babysitter. You see, a nanny typically provides care over a longer time period, so they help with the emotional and learning development of your children. Additionally, a nanny can help keep your children and their grandparents connected. They can work thoughtful activities into their daily routine to ensure their older relatives are present in their lives.
A great nanny has a strong love for and affinity with children. They will work as your partner to ensure the health and wellbeing of your family. They will listen to your suggestions and requirements, and strive to ensure you have the peace of mind that your kids are in great hands.
It’s important to have the conversations now
A nanny can never replace grandma and grandpa, but they can become an integral part of your family. Your family may be disrupted by your school or childcare centre closing over the coming weeks. Considering this, it is a great idea for you to be one step ahead so that you’re prepared. It’s comforting to know that your family’s life can be enriched with a reliable nanny during this time.
We Need A Nanny understands just how concerning the current worldwide situation is and we have responded to the community need for greater access to care. We have considerably reduced the price of monthly parent subscriptions until Easter, so if you are thinking of finding a great childcare professional, simply search for one on our homepage today.
Please consider friends or family who may need or could provide additional caregiving support during this time by sharing this Facebook link.
We Need A Nanny is here for you
From all of us at We Need a Nanny, please stay safe, be kind to each other, practice good hygiene, and if you need further assistance please let us know by emailing [email protected].
The WNAN Family
The content and information, including statements, opinions and documents (Information) contained on this WeNeedANanny website Site (Site) is for general information purposes only. It does not take into account your specific needs, objectives or circumstances, and is not advice, and in particular, is not a substitute for professional legal, accounting, tax or health advice. Any reliance you place on the Information is at your own risk.
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