How to Attract the Best Nannies with Your Advertisement

How to Attract the Best Nannies with Your Advertisement

If you are looking to attract the best nannies with your advertisement for your family, you will have to design a job advertisement that really sells itself and clearly describes the position. The main purpose of a job description is, above all, to attract the best candidates that fit your family’s needs. Depending on the area in which you live, demand for great nannies may be high. You will want to offer a salary that is appealing enough to recruit only the very best candidates who can satisfy your needs and requirements.

Offering a competitive salary is, of course, one of the most important things, but far from being the only one to be considered in a nanny job description. Other fundamental requirements in the ad are highly advisable according to experts, so you ensure a perfect match for your family. These could be particular tasks or responsibilities expected from the nanny, preferred qualifications, previous experience required, and special requirements, such as relevant certifications or training. A clear and detailed job description will help you to attract the best-matched candidates.

 In addition to wages and particular responsibilities of a job, highlight some of the unique qualities of your family and what you’re looking for in a nanny. Add some character to the job ad, such as insights into family values, daily routine, and expectations. This can bridge a connection with nannies who find your values in line with their own and are genuinely interested in joining your family. A well-thought-out nanny job advertisement will do more than just turn up a good batch of candidates for you; it could mean retaining the very best in childcare for your children.

Where to Post Your Advertisement

Targeting the right audience means experienced childcare professionals will see your ad.

We Need A Nanny is the best platform in Australia to post your nanny job advertisement. Thousands of nannies across Australia are actively searching for a great family like yours on We Need A Nanny, and there should be several nannies nearby that are interested in your job.

How to Make Your Nanny Advertisement More Attractive

It is crucial to follow these steps to help you create the most attractive advertisement to find the best nanny ever to suit your family’s tailored needs.

Choose a Good Headline for Your Ad

The headline of your advertisement is the first impression. Go for a clear and professional headline that expresses exactly what type of nanny you need and for how many children. This will make your advertisement stand out to serious career-oriented nannies.

A headline can also include the age range of children, so nannies with specific age group expertise can find your advertisement more easily.

Write a Clear Job Description with Details

Secondly, a more detailed job description attracts qualified nannies by setting clear expectations and requirements. Include the ages of your children and the number of children, specific responsibilities, any special needs or preferences and desired qualifications, resources such as CPR certification or early childhood education.

This level of detail helps potential nannies self-assess their suitability for the job and shows your family is professional and organised.

Also, include specific duties and whether you need overtime. Keep in mind you also need to specify your language preferences and the location of the job. This helps you to locate nannies within your area, so that transport will not be an issue. Similarly, it is vital to have a nanny who can speak your language.

Make Sure to Cover Any Driver Requirements

For jobs that require driving responsibilities, like a nanny who might need to take the kids to school or pick them up from various extracurricular activities, this needs to be spelt out. You will want to make sure that your nanny has a valid driver’s licence, access to a reliable vehicle, and, of course, a clean and safe driving record. Transportation requirements can vary with nannying, thus you must explicitly specify it in the advertisement. You also want your children to be safe on the road, thus it is vital to ensure that the right nanny both has the driving experience and all the necessary licensing. You may also consider whether the nanny must use their own vehicle or your vehicle.

State the Days and Hours You Need Clearly

To be transparent and attract nannies who can commit to your schedule, you need to state the days and hours your family needs childcare. This clarity will help potential candidates know if the job fits their availability, prevent future conflicts and foster a smooth working relationship.

Don’t use vague descriptions like ‘flexible hours’ to prevent misunderstandings and attract professionals who want stability and clear expectations in their work.

Offer a Market Rate Salary

Compensation is quite a substantial factor for anyone seeking employment. Offering a market-related and competitive salary is one of the factors that will make your nanny advertisement stand out from the rest. Nannies are most often engaged as employees, and employees are covered by the Miscellaneous Award rate. You can research appropriate rates for nannies in your area, considering their duties, work hours, and the cost of living. This shows you value the service and professionalism of the nanny and makes the job more attractive to qualified candidates. You can also include possible raises or bonuses based on performance and tenure as an incentive to lure top talent. If you need help with setting a competitive rate and payroll, we recommend contacting the team at NannyPay (they’re amazing!).

Make Sure Nanny Duties are Child Related Only

Unless you are seeking more specialised services such as a nanny housekeeper, clearly state that the nanny’s duties focus on childcare only. This includes meal preparation for the children, organising child-related activities and assisting with homework. This job description respects the nanny’s profession and attracts candidates who are childcare-focused. 

Benefits and Perks

In addition to a competitive salary, offer benefits like extra leave or professional development opportunities to make your job stand out. These perks show you value the nanny role as a profession and value the nanny’s well-being and growth. You can also mention any unique perks like travel with the family, use of a car or special activities to sweeten the deal.

Expectations and Requirements

Be upfront about any expectations or requirements like language skills, educational background or experience with special needs children. This transparency will attract nannies who are confident they can meet these demands and can commit long term to your family’s needs. Clear requirements will also streamline the process, saving time for both you and the applicants by filtering out those who are not a good fit.

Add Testimonials from Previous Nannies and Families

If you have a few positive testimonials from previous nannies or families, include them in your advertisement. They will help to increase your credibility and make the job more attractive. It gives candidates an insight into what it’s like to work for your family and reassures them about the positive environment you offer. Just remember to not disclose any personal information, especially contact information, to respect their privacy. 

If you’re new to hiring nannies, consider asking for character references from colleagues or friends that speak to your family’s values and environment. It is just as important for the nanny to know what they are getting themselves into as it is for you.

Say Something About Your Family

It’s great to share about your family’s interests and personalities as this will really help a nanny connect with you. When writing your ad, think about the unique hobbies and activities your family enjoys together. Whether it’s outdoor adventures, arts and crafts or movie nights, these will give a picture of your family dynamic. This will help a nanny understand what your family values and how they might fit into your life. 

Also, sharing about the personalities of your family members, especially your children, can be super helpful. Each child has their own unique traits and interests that shape how they interact with others. For example, if one of your kids is an artist who loves to create, and another is a sporty kid, sharing these will help a nanny gauge how they might connect with your children. A nanny who understands these will connect with your kids on a personal level and create a nurturing environment. 

But remember, do not share personal information that’s identifiable, especially names and contact information, as you should always be careful about what you share on the internet.

Ultimately, you want to find a nanny who has the skills but also fits your family’s vibe. By including information about your family’s interests and the personalities of your children, you’re creating a more inviting, fun and relatable ad. This will increase the chances of attracting a nanny who resonates with your family’s lifestyle and values and will create a harmonious and happy relationship for everyone.

Following these expert tips, you can easily create the best nanny advertisement to attract potential nannies. To further help you, here is a quick layout of what your advertisement should look like with some good examples of what to include.

An Outline Example of a Good Ad to Find a Suitable Nanny

An effective job description will attract the very best talent for a position while reducing less suitable applications. Yet many parents find the actual process of where to start in writing one quite daunting. There is a formula for writing descriptions that seems to provide the best results, as research has shown.

How to Attract the Best Nannies with Your Advertisement
  1. Write a descriptive Job Title.
  2. Include a short description of your family, what a day is like in your home, your children’s personalities, activities they enjoy, and your parenting preferences.
  3. Set a clear indication of the expected work schedule, including work hours, remuneration, vacation days, and any other benefits.
  4. Explain the certification and qualifications that you require from a nanny or babysitter and whether they need a driver’s licence.
  5. Include all the responsibilities and expectations for the nanny’s job description clearly.

As an additional tip, there is a common scenario that often arises when nannies work for a family. Their initial expectation of the job in comparison to the real situation they face may not always be the same. Very often, the families have a certain vision of the role based on their initial descriptions, but the candidates realise that the actual responsibilities are much more extensive. Such misalignment may result in a candidate feeling frustrated and misled. It’s good to say here that the transparency and accuracy of the information in job postings are a must for a successful placement process.

As a final thought, timing is also crucial when seeking the best nanny for your family. Try to start your journey as soon as you can, and even if you find a great nanny, it’s always useful to know who else is available in case circumstances change. 

Peak Time for Finding and Hiring a Nanny

Timing can be everything when searching for a nanny. Post your ad during school holidays, especially in late spring and early summer, if you can, as this is the time when many nannies seek new positions. At the end of the school year and into summer break, families may need more help.

Also, remember that many nannies start searching for new positions towards the end of the calendar year to start fresh with a new family in January.

The peak times are:

  • January, when everybody’s preparing for a new school year and parents need to get organised for school. This is also a time when the care arrangements for families change and they need different support.
  • The Holiday season is when parents need extra help, particularly with travel.
  • At the end of the school year, parents need support to arrange childcare when children are out of school and when they need extra help while travelling again.

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Before acting on any Information, we recommend that you consider whether it is appropriate for your circumstances, carry out your own research and seek professional advice, where necessary.

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