There are lots of different ways to find the perfect nanny job in Australia, and We Need A Nanny is a great place to start. When you search for a job on the We Need A Nanny platform, you’ll normally find dozens of parents near you seeking the perfect nanny for their beautiful family. Nannies who are well prepared for their job search and the interview process are going to be in a much better position to secure that perfect job.
So here are a few great tips to help you get to the interview stage, and beyond!
Decide which type of job you want
The first step is to be clear on which sort of job you want before you start applying. Write down a list that covers your available days and hours, your flexibility, suitable locations, how far you are happy to travel, and your ideal wage bracket and preferred number of children (and their ages).
Make sure your list includes things you don’t want to do, such as household chores. For many of the parents you meet, it will be their first time bringing someone into their home outside of family, so it will be helpful for you both if you’re clear to parents about what they can expect from you.
Finally, consider your flexibility around each of these items. You may need to adapt your style to different households. Think you only love working with babies? Perhaps school aged children might work, too. Perhaps you can be flexible with doing some meal prep, even if you haven’t done it before.
The job search
Every day, hundreds of parents seeking caregivers for their families are placing ads on We Need A Nanny. So once you have a clear focus, it’s time to start the job search.
The wide range of families actively seeking nannies on the site increases the likelihood that you will find a great family to join. But your search for the perfect nanny job may take some time, so it’s best to check into the site daily for new positions that are posted.
We’ll also email you a notification when a new job is posted in your area, so try to respond quickly to make sure you stand out from other applicants.
While you may be applying for a lot of jobs, it’s worth writing a personal message to each parent whose job you respond to, tailored to the information they’ve supplied on the site. Simply asking if the job is still available may not create the best impression, but personalising a note can really help.
Read the job description carefully to make sure your application is suitable for the family. You can respond to all jobs on the site via the Contact Centre for free, but to increase your chances of hearing from a parent it’s better to use an SMS credit which will send a parent a text directly about your application.