17 Nanny Tips for New Nannies

17 Nanny Tips for New Nannies

Nannying is a fun and rewarding job. You get to build positive relationships with children and be part of their journey in a unique way.

To keep the fun in your nanny job, be creative in what you do and be open to what children can teach you. Every day is a new opportunity to learn something new and share experiences together.

There may be plenty of guidelines and directions when it comes to nanny duties and responsibilities. Because there are also some additional facts that you do not often hear about, we want to share some exceptional nanny tips for new nannies to help you on your journey in the childcare role.

What is a Nanny?

A nanny is a childcare provider who works in the family’s home, responsible for all childcare tasks. This can include cooking, activities, homework help and loving, individual attention to the children’s needs.

Being a nanny is a multifaceted role and often part of the family. It requires a special mix of skills, patience, creativity and a real love of working with children and families.

There’s More to Nannying than the Basic Childcare Tasks

Beyond the basic childcare tasks of feeding, bathing and supervising, quality nannying is about nurturing the whole child. This means supporting their emotional, social and cognitive development through play, educational activities and consistent loving care.

Yes, nannying can be a fun and rewarding job. You get to build relationships with children and be part of their journey in a unique way.

To keep the fun in your job, be creative in what you do and be open to what children can teach you. Every day is a new opportunity to learn something new and share experiences together.

A good nanny is also a role model, teaching children values like kindness, honesty and respect. By realising the bigger picture of what you are as a nanny, you can take pride in the part you play in a child’s life.

Nanny Tips that Will Make You an Exceptional Nanny

By following these simple techniques, you can become an exceptional nanny who becomes part of the family.

17 Nanny Tips for New Nannies

1. Be with the Children

Being a nanny is not just about supervising the children; it’s about being with them. Spend time playing games, reading stories or helping with homework. Show genuine interest in what they are doing and ask them to tell you what they are thinking and feeling. This builds trust and an emotional bond.

Interaction doesn’t have to be structured. Be part of their daily routines, listen to their stories and support their endeavours. Your involvement will have a long-term impact on their development and self-esteem.

2. Have a Schedule but be Flexible

A schedule brings routine and order to the children’s lives, which is important for their development. Plan out meals, naps, playtime, and educational activities. But be flexible. Sometimes spontaneity can lead to the best learning and fun.

Adapt to unexpected changes like mood swings, sickness, or weather. Flexibility shows you can easily handle challenges and that the children’s needs are always the priority.

3. Give the Children Chores and Responsibilities

Giving children chores teaches them responsibility and the value of work. Start with simple tasks like picking up toys or setting the table. As they get older, you can add more complex tasks.

Make sure the tasks are age-appropriate and guide when needed. Praise their efforts to encourage a positive attitude to helping out in the household.

4. Teach Children to Entertain Themselves

While being with the children is important, it’s also important to teach them to entertain themselves. Encourage them to play independently, which promotes creativity and independence.

Give them books, puzzles and art supplies. Let them know it’s okay to play alone and you are there if they need you. This balance will help them become self-sufficient and imaginative.

5. Encourage Creativity

Creativity is a big part of a child’s development. Encourage creative activities like drawing, crafting or music. Let them explore and express themselves without fear of being judged.

People can use creativity for more than just art. For example, ask the children to tell you a story about their day or help plan a themed meal. This will get them to think outside the box.

6. Have a Positive Attitude

A positive attitude is infectious and sets the tone for the whole household. Approach each day with enthusiasm and optimism. When challenges arise, handle them with a calm and positive tone.

Your positivity will teach the children resilience and to find the silver lining in difficult situations. Celebrate their successes no matter how small and encourage a growth mindset.

7. Be More Physical

Children need to feel loved and secure; physical touch from their nanny can greatly impact their emotional wellbeing. Simple gestures like hugs, a pat on the back or a high five can make a big difference.

Respect the child’s comfort level and family norms around affection. Consistent and appropriate affection shows them you care and they feel safe.

8. Release Your Inner Child

Sometimes, the best way to connect with children is to think like them. Don’t be afraid to get down to their level and play. This makes you more relatable and helps you understand their world better.

Join in their pretend play, laugh at their jokes and don’t be afraid to be silly. This will make the day more fun for you and the children.

9. Get Outside!

Outdoor play is essential for a child’s physical and mental health. It’s exercise and exposure to nature. Plan activities like going to the park, riding bikes or just exploring the backyard.

Being outside is educational and a break from technology. It’s a great way for children to burn off energy and for you to model an active lifestyle.

10. Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep

Your ability to care for the children as a nanny is directly linked to your wellbeing. Make sure you get enough rest so you can be alert, patient and energetic all day.

Good sleep helps you be at your best and that means you can be at your best for the children. Establish a healthy sleep routine and communicate with the parents if you need to adjust the schedule to get enough rest.

11. Be Punctual

Punctuality is a fundamental part of any profession, and nannying is no exception. Being on time shows respect to the family you work for and means a smooth handover between the parents leaving and you starting. It sets the tone for a reliable and structured day for the children, which is key to their sense of security.

Make it a habit to prepare for your day the night before and factor in any potential delays so you can always arrive with time to spare. Being on time also means you can have a calm and collected start which will impact the children’s mood and behaviour.

12. Snack Healthy and Encourage Healthy Snacking

Nutrition is key to a child’s development and as a nanny, you have the opportunity to model healthy eating habits. Offer a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins for snacks and avoid overly processed foods high in sugar. Lead by example; when children see you eating healthy foods, they are more likely to try to enjoy them too.

Make snack time fun and interactive. Try making fruit kebabs or veggie shapes to make healthy eating more appealing. Encourage the children to be involved in the snack preparation process so they develop a positive relationship with food.

13. Put your Phone Away

In this digital age, it’s easy to get distracted by our phones, but when you’re on duty, your focus should be on the children. Constant phone use sends a message that they are not your priority, which can impact their emotional well-being.

Unless you need your phone for emergencies or to communicate with the kids or parents, keep it out of sight. If you need to, designate specific times to check your phone and make sure your attention isn’t diverted from the children when you’re in charge of them.

14. Plan Your Day

Planning your day in advance will prevent chaos and ensure the day runs smoothly. It gives structure to the children’s routine, which is key to their behaviour and emotional stability.

Activities should be age-appropriate and consider the children’s interests and developmental stage. By planning ahead you can prepare everything you need in advance and avoid last-minute rushes, which can cause stress for you and the children.

15. In Any Circumstance, Safety Always Comes First

Safety should always be the number one priority in any situation. That means not just responding to emergencies but preventing them. Know the family’s safety plan, know where the first aid kits are and have emergency contacts on hand.

Always supervise the children, especially during activities that may be a risk, such as swimming or playing on outdoor equipment. Be aware of potential hazards around the home and address them as soon as you see them.

16. Have fun!

While safety and structure are important, so is having fun. Enjoying your time with the children makes your job as a babysitter or a nanny more enjoyable and it’s good for the children too.

Laughter and play are key to a child’s development. Play games, do crafts and do outdoor activities that stimulate their imagination and creativity. When you have fun it strengthens your bond with the children and creates a happy, positive environment.

17. Last but not least: Love being a Nanny

Love being a nanny and it will make all the difference in the care you give. When you love your nanny job, it shows in how you interact with the children and how you care for them.

Take time to think about the good bits of your job and keep learning and growing in your profession. Your enthusiasm will not only make your job more enjoyable but also the parents will have more confidence and trust in you.

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