Helpful Nanny

Interview Tips

So you’ve decided to hire a nanny, found some prospects and are now ready for the interviews. At We Need A Nanny, we know what a huge step it is leaving your children with another person. So knowing just how to interview a nanny and what questions to ask can help ensure you select the perfect caregiver for your family.

To help, we’ve put together our Top 5 interview tips to help you find the perfect nanny.

1. Ask about training, certifications, and experience

Find out exactly what training they have, formal or otherwise. Whether you want your nanny to have formal qualifications is up to you, but it’s essential to find out as much as you can about their experience looking after children.   This will no doubt be on their resume, but it’s a good idea to get your prospective nanny to run through previous positions – how many children, their age, what their duties involved. You might ask why they left their last position or why they are looking to move from a current one. 

Be sure to verify all certifications and checks in their resume, such as First Aid Certification/s, Police Check, Working with Children Check, a Driver’s Licence (if necessary), and Insurance. 

2. Ask about your nanny’s style

Ask prospective nannies how they would describe their nanny style, their methods of discipline and how they would handle an emergency.  Give them a few scenarios, such as a child refusing to come to lunch because they are fixated with Peppa Pig (sound familiar?). How would they respond to a tantrum? How do they get kids to eat their vegetables?

If you provide scenarios that you have already experienced, you will know what works and what doesn’t work with your child. If an applicant provides methods that you know would work with your child, then there’s a good chance they’ll be a great fit for your family. 

3. Ask about your nanny’s lifestyle

Without getting too personal, you have every right to know something about the person who is going to be caring for your child. Don’t be shy in asking about their hobbies or what they do in their spare time. You will be building a connection with someone who’ll become a part of your family, so engage in a way that you are comfortable to get to know each other. 

4. The practicalities of interviewing a nanny

There are of course a few practicalities that are part of interviewing a nanny. Be sure to check when they can start, if they are available to meet your required hours/days and how flexible they are to stay in the event you’re held up by traffic or late meetings. Confirm if they have their own car or access to good public transport, and ensure all pay requirements are satisfied. Be sure to discuss a trial period that’s comfortable for both sides. And always ask for a list of references to check before a contract is signed. 

5. Be yourself

Our final tip to help you find the perfect nanny, is to simply be yourself. You are interviewing someone for a professional role, sure. But remember, the applicants want to know if you’re the right fit for them too. If you’re relaxed it will help the conversation flow, which means you’ll get a better understanding of the applicants, and who will be the right fit for your beautiful family. 

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