Are You Prepared If The Perfect Nanny Leaves?

Are You Prepared If The Perfect Nanny Leaves

When your new nanny joins your family, everything is so much easier. However, what do you do if your perfect nanny leaves? Are you even prepared? Replacing a nanny will be very disruptive to your kids, your routine and to you. With this in mind, you ideally should find a nanny before you need one. […]

A Peaceful Home


If you’ve been considering hiring a nanny, you probably have been feeling pretty stressed when you’re at home. Your home should be your haven, so when things are just that little bit hectic it can really have a detrimental effect on everyone. Thankfully, when you hire a nanny, this will all change. So many parents […]

Creating a Contract For Your Nanny

Creating A Contract For Your Nanny

Today, we would like to discuss contracts with you. Before you hire the perfect nanny, both sides need to agree to a contract. The clearer the agreement is the better, so everyone knows exactly what is expected of them. As well as including the hiring details, the terms of engagement should be set out on […]

Have Regular Performance Reviews With Your Nanny


Ideally, over time, your nanny will grow to become a part of your family even though you’re still in a working relationship. What you need to then think about is incorporating regular performance reviews into your routine. Yes, you might feel a little uncomfortable about this prospect, however, it’s crucial for both parties. You see, […]

Find A Nanny That’s The Right Fit For Your Beautiful Family


It’s understandable that many parents only look for a nanny when they’re desperately needing some extra help. Perhaps their work circumstances have changed or there’s a sudden illness in the family. It’s, therefore, understandable that finding a nanny is sometimes a very rushed job. However, if you can help it, it’s well worth taking your […]

Do You Need To Look For More Than One Nanny?


You may not have considered it but when you’re on the lookout for a nanny, should you be searching for more than one? It’s important to have a range of great nannies that can work around your family. As kids grow, their needs, as well as yours, will change. Yes, one nanny may be able […]

Surprise Your Nanny With Thoughtful Rewards


Our tip today is simple yet highly effective. Surprising your nanny with a little token of appreciation is key to developing an excellent relationship. You’d be amazed at how just taking a little time to find something that your nanny will love will make them feel valued, respected and appreciated. Whether you give your nanny […]

Do You Feel Guilty About Hiring A Nanny?


Today, we are exploring a feeling that many parents are not prepared for when they find a wonderful nanny – that feeling of guilt when you’re not with your children. We all lead busy lives so there is absolutely nothing wrong at all with asking for help. In fact, hiring a good nanny shows that […]